About The Course

The BTEC Game Art and Design course varies from Level 2, which is a one-year course offering progression to Level 3, a two-year 100% practical, project-based course with no exams. The course aims to develop your skills across all aspects of game art and design using the latest industry-standard software and equipment. It features a dedicated game art and design classroom with a suite of state-of-the-art computers.

The course content includes pre-production and planning; level design; Unreal Engine; image and video editing; character creation; 3D modelling and animation and observational drawing skills. Work across each area of the course culminates in a final project. This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to progress to university or work in any entry-level sector of the game art and design industry

Level 2

The A1 Skills Development unit helps learners develop their skills in creating 2D environments, 2D characters, animation and presenting the final results using Unreal Engine. This unit enables learners to enhance their skills in designing and creating 2D game assets and integrating them into a game engine for a complete gaming experience. 

The A2 Creative Project unit helps learners develop their ideas by interpreting a set brief from a client and fulfilling the client's requirements using appropriate skills and creativity. This unit enables learners to effectively respond to client briefs and deliver solutions that meet the client's needs 

The B1 Personal Progression unit provides learners with a broad understanding of the opportunities within the games design sector and the skills required for different roles. This unit enables learners to contextualise and focus their creative development, explore potential roles in the sector, identify areas for personal skills development and advance their skills in alignment with their personal aims and interests. 

The C1 Responding to a Creative Brief module enables learners to apply the skills they have learned throughout the programme and enhance their creative abilities by developing and producing an extended response to a creative brief. This module provides learners with an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding and application of the concepts and techniques learned in the programme, while refining their creative thinking and problem-solving skills. 

Level 3 YEAR 1

The A1 Skills Development unit helps learners develop their skills in traditional art, animation, video editing and games design. This unit enables learners to enhance their proficiency in creating and designing game assets, including 2D and 3D graphics, animations and video editing, using industry-standard tools and software. 

The A2 Creative Project unit involves working on a live client brief where students are required to create a game using Unreal Engine. This unit provides learners with hands-on experience in responding to a client's needs, developing and implementing creative ideas, and delivering a functional game product that meets the client's requirements. 

Level 3 YEAR 2

The B1 Personal Progression unit involves creating a website portfolio and exploring future career options. Additionally, students produce a portfolio of evidence that focuses on the work they have produced during the year. This unit enables learners to reflect on their learning journey, showcase their skills and creativity, and prepare for their future careers in the games design industry. 

The B2 Creative Industry Response unit involves creating a game using Unreal Engine based on a live client brief. This unit is designed to provide learners with an opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge to a real-world scenario, respond to a client's needs and deliver a product that meets industry standards. Through this unit, learners develop their project management, teamwork, and communication skills, as well as gain experience in developing a game from conception to delivery.

Ba(Hons) Game ARt

Our Games Art degree provides highly practical tuition designed to enhance your skills in digital asset creation for game development. It focuses on 3D modelling, texturing, and lighting, enabling you to learn how to create artwork for the latest AAA games 

The modules listed below may be a mixture of compulsory and optional. You may not have the opportunity to study all the modules shown as part of the course. 

Assessment methods 


Industry Links

The BTEC Level 3 course offered by Burnley College Game Art and Design is a part of the Unreal Academic Partner Program, which recognises our provision of experienced staff and high-quality resources. This program also acknowledges our commitment to providing an excellent learner experience that prepares them for their future careers in the games design industry. Through this program, learners have access to cutting-edge tools and technologies, as well as industry-standard training and support, which helps them develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the competitive job market.